Recent Post


Fresh RDP (Fresh Mac Address/PC Cache)
Fresh VPN/Socks5 (Matching State Socks with 25 Mile Radius) 
Fresh High Balance BIN CC (BINS:371381/548031/ETC.) 
Fresh E-Mail created at least 3 Months Ago somewhat matching cardholder name or information.

This tutorial follows my success of a iMac Shipment, Apple uses smart registration of time frame buyers visit the website, how long they visualize a page, and also basic configuration of personal use.


 Visit Apple.Com and from the top grey navigation bar choose your desired item 
(Mac,iPhone,iPad,iPod)(I selected Mac)
From the Mac Section, select Macbook, iMac, Pro, or Server

Read each feature, this is the major key, the time frame is included from the second you visit the website. At the bottom, choose compare models.

Read the  basic features for time frame, and choose configure now for your desired item.

The Next Thing you need to do is to Select your Choice of configuration.

In configuration process , change mouse option to magic track-pad since it 's free and most regular people will upgrade anything extra for free. Then click add to cart.

For order details, click "This is a gift or proceed anyways" both seem to work, but I prefer "this is a gift"

Now Click Checkout Now then Continue as Guest

Now Click Ship then click See delivery options and rates.

Now you are to Provide your SHIPPING Address  zip Code then check a few store avail-abilities (2-3) then pick a store and click Save.

Click continue then provide your SHIPPING address, provide the shipping receiver name same as your cardholders name. Also provide a spoofed phone number for shipment notifications.
For payment fill out your cardholder information, then click credit card payment and fill out your information.
When ask to create an account, say yes and enter a password then click go. Choose basic shipping always DON'T rushed, as most people wont want to spend the extra funds to deliver quickly and they will live with there current PC for a few more days.

DO NOT CHECK ORDER STATUS FOR 24 HOURS. They check for immediate order status checks after this can null your purchase.







Note:Don’t use same email address ever using this method . Also remember don’t use useless classics and loose your order and time. Also always use Sock5 matching city, state and country for best approval......

DONE !!! ðŸ˜‚😂😂😂😂😂

How To Top Up Credit Cards (CC) -Tutorial

Hello guys what-sup! In today’s article   I will be teaching you guy’s how to Top Up Credit Cards (CC) which most of the carders do not know much about it. Recently most of my readers on my telegram channel have been  asking me about it. It’s very simple to Top Up Credit Cards (CC. I have drop a lot of tutorials about carding and the feedback from my readers are encouraging ,So without wasting much time let get started 

How To Top Up Credit Cards (CC) -Tutorial 


1. Drop(The cc you're topping up)
2. Log 
4. Good Laptop
5. Good Data CONNECTION 😂

Types Of CC Top Up

  • With online access
  • Without online access.

(with login 'username and password and without login and password')

Talking about cc with online details especially Yankee banks like capital one or chase bank credit cards...all u need is just username , password and verification code from client email or he/she gives u the email and the password but it's advisable you take every information about the credit card in case the client start misbehaving... You can load the account and use  it to shop phone online (that part is another different work entirely.That's Carding) or pay for dating sites

Logging into the credit card ðŸ’³

For example, If it's Chase Credit'll use
After entering the logIn details; It will ask you to collect verification code from email or phone number,Then if the client provide you with the email and password...login and pick the code sent from chase from the email or ask the client to pick it from phone or email for you then u enter it: So it allows you in.Same goes for capital one credit card and other Yankee credit card.Then when you're'll find something like Pay Card...Then click on "Pay Card"

It will redirect you to a page where you'll be asked to choose the account you want to pay from, the amount you want to pay and the date will automatically come up

Then click on "add account" or something similar to that phrase depending on the card issuer...then enter the routing number and account number and it generate the bank name itself... Enter the amount you wish to pay then click "okay" or "proceed"  then confirm payment

Thank You! for visiting my blog and don't forget to leave a comment should in case you need more details about this wonderful download manager....your comment always keeps me strong

Crack with Thc Hydra & Linux Terminal on Windows

 A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services.
Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows.
Hydra is a parallized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. New modules
are easy to add, beside that, it is flexible and very fast.

**Hydra was tested to compile on Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris 11, FreeBSD 8.1, OpenBSD, OSX,QNX/Blackberry, and is made available under GPLv3 with a special OpenSSL license expansion.

Currently this tool supports:

 Asterisk, AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, HTTP-FORM-POST,HTTP-GET, HTTP-HEAD, HTTP-POST, HTTP-PROXY, HTTPS-FORM-GET, HTTPS-FORM-POST, HTTPS-GET, HTTPS-POST, HTTPS-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, Oracle, PC-Anywhere, PCNFS, POP3, POSTGRES, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, RTSP, S7-300, SAP/R3, SIP, SMB, SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP.
For HTTP, POP3, IMAP and SMTP, several login mechanisms like plain and MD5 digest etc. are supported.

This tool is a proof of concept code, to give researchers and security consultants the possiblity to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system.

The program was written van Hauser and is additionally supported by David Maciejak.

Use on Windows :

1 . Download and install Cygwin ( Linux Terminal) For 32 bit below

Download For 64 bit using the below link

2. Need help ? See Tutorials for Install and Configure Cygwin In Windows Environment -

Now that we have finished installing Cygwin we can get to the fun part and install Hydra

Step 1: Download Hydra from either directly DOWNLOAD -

Step 2: Unzip the file using a program such as Winrar (can be downloaded at  ) to your desktop.

Step 3: Move the file from your desktop into your main drive "C:"

Step 4: Open the Cygwin terminal which if you listened to me you made a shortcut to already.

Error Note: If it says "cannot find mintty would you like to browse for it" then browse to your installation folder, go to bin and look alphabetically for mintty until you find it.

Step 5: search for cmd at the start menu (if you can't it's placed in "C:\Windows\System32\cmd") when you do find it right click it and click "run as administrator"

Step 6: type "NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off" to turn off your firewall off. manually turn off your other antiviruses such as Norton or McAfee

Note: I understand this might sound crazy but when you're installing a hacking software you don't anti-hack softwares running.

Now you can test Cygwin out by issuing a few commands that you wouldn’t normally have use to in Windows that are common Linux commands. Here is a quick view of: "pwd", "cd /", "ls", "ps":

Step 7: on Cygwin terminal type
"cd /cygdrive/c/ "

Once this is successful there should be yellow text besides your user name saying "/cygdrive/c/"

Step 8: Type "./configure"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

step 9: Type "make"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

Step 10: Type "make install"
wait until it stops saying anything and then wait 2/3 minutes to make sure it stopped.

Step 11: I hope by now everything has gone fine and Cygwin should be letting you input but just close it if you're done.

Step 12: Now right click your Cygwin shortcut, go into properties and make the start in "C:\4hc-hydr6" and rename it hydra

Step 13: Turn your firewall back on by typing this in the admin cmd "NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state on" but make sure that it doesn't intervene with hydra, google how to exclude programs from firewall and if you have a antivirus same goes.

Don't forget to leave a comment below....

Top 3 Cool Hacking and Penetration Testing Operating System

Hello guy's, In today's article  i'm going to make mention of some  Top cool Hacking and Penetration Testing Operating System which most of us do not  know much about it. Some of these Operating System are used by hackers  to break into computer system and networks.... In this post i will made mention of some cool Hacking and Penetration Testing Operating System with their downloading link.without waiting much on this let get started.

Top Cool Hacking and Penetration Testing Operating System 

BlackArch Linux :

BlackArch Linux is an absolute Linux distribution for security researchers and ethical hackers. 
It is derived from Arch Linux, and one can also install the BlackArch Linux components on top of it.
It provides more than 1400 tools that are thoroughly tested before adding to the codebase. Moreover, 
it is constantly growing reputation is making it popular among operating systems for hacking purposes.

Parrot Security OS:

It is also a Debian-based OS that is developed by Frozenbox’s team.  Parrot security is a cloud-friendly operating system designed for ethical hacking, pen testing, computer forensics, cryptography, etc. Compared to others, Parrot Security OS is a lightweight OS that is highly efficient to work with.Parrot Security OS is a mixture of Frozenbox OS and Kali Linux  . Moreover, this highly a built in  hacking operating system and  also comes with a strong community support.

Download Parrot Security OS:


Bugtraq is famous for its electronic mailing list that is purely dedicated to computer security. It is available in Debian, Ubuntu, and OpenSUSE. The Bugtraq developer team consists of experienced 
hackers and developers that offer a great service for ethical pen testers. It comes with a number of penetration testing tools including mobile forensic tools, malware testing tools and other software developed by the Bugtraq-Community.

Thanks for visiting...You can leave a comment below if you are facing any problem concerning this article..and don't forget to share this Article

Airtel & Tigo Free Browsing tricks - 2017

Hello guy's whatsapp, i have been receiving messages from most of my Ghanaian readers on how to enjoy free browsing, so since sharing is caring, i think its high i drop this tricks for my Ghanaian readers to enjoy...most people prefer to take money before they give this steps but in  today's article i will be  dropping it for free as you know this blog is for free stuff  so without beating about the bush just follow the steps i'm about to drop and enjoy free browsing on both Airtel & Tigo.

Setps to browse  free on Airtel


  1.Registered Airtel Sim

Airtel Free Browsing tricks - 2017 

  2.  Visit this link and create an account

  3. Open your DriodVPN app and tap on the navigation bar like below and click on settiings

  4. Select connection protocol ->> select TCP
  5. Click on Proxy settings and Enable proxy
  6. In the proxy server/Host section enter
  7. Now Enter 3128 as port
  8. Click on HTTP headers and insert like below
  Host: X-Online-Host:
  Host: X-Online-Host:
  9. Now go back, at the buttom of DriodVPN select any of the sever's and click start 
  10. enjoy your free browsing on airtel

 Setps to browse free on Tigo


  1.Registered Tigo Sim

 Tigo Free Browsing tricks - 2017 

  1. Subscribe to tigo tribe Phisphon Pro/handler
  3.Select Tunnel Whole Device
  4. On your data and click on the Start buttom wait till it connection
  If you find any difficulties in setting up this trick kindly leave a comment below also let us know if this  works for you

How To Use Wireshark Complete Guide

It can be daunting trying to learn how to use a new piece of software, even if you already possess a fair amount of knowledge regarding information technology. And there are few other programs that have such a steep learning curve as Wireshark. In my humble opinion, it’s one of the best packet sniffers and protocol analyzers available, and it’s truly mind blowing how much detailed information it can gather. Believe it or not, a competent Wireshark user can even see personal information that is transmitted in plain text, provided they are using a man-in-the-middle attack or redirecting other users’ traffic via DNS-based attacks. It’s uses are seemingly endless, but before we dig into the inner
workings of this impressive piece of software, we need to lay some groundwork.

What is Wireshark?

Wireshark is a program that has the ability to record and analyze every last bit flowing through a network interface. In the I.T. world, it is sometimes called a protocol analyzer, packet sniffer, packet capture utility, or packet analyzer – and these terms are synonymous and are mostly interchangeable for all but the most anal network engineers.

The tool is actually rather sophisticated and allows network administrators and hackers to capture specific types of traffic. For example, if a network administrator wanted to see which websites and individual computer or group of computers were accessing, then he/she might run a packet capture for only HTTP and DNS traffic. On the other hand, a Wireshark user could choose to capture every single packet flowing over an interface, and the Not only is the software very powerful, but it is open source software that can be used free of charge. If you’re new to networking protocols already, the amount of data that it collects in real time might seem very intimidating. Just remember not to abuse the software, because wiretapping is illegal and it would raise some strange questions if you got caught using it at work, school, or on any network you don’t personally own. But we’re going to dig  a little deeper to show you how to run some captures on your home network.

What is Wireshark Used for?

As mentioned previously, the uses for Wireshark are virtually limitless, and are only bound by the number of protocols and individual computing systems that a hacker or administrator wishes to analyze. But understand that protocol analyzers are a doubled edged sword. Like an inanimate weapon, the choice whether it’s used for good or evil depends on who’s wielding it. Originally, it was created as a tool to allow network engineers to troubleshoot network problems.In addition, it was also used as a security tool. For example, an administrator may wish to verify that security software, such as a VPN tunnel, is truly encrypting data. By capturing the data and sifting through it in Wireshark, an administrator will be able to see if the payload was sent in plain text. The information it collects can also be used to debug network protocols that are invisible to the average user, and that makes it one of the best tools to learn different TCP/IP algorithms and to actually see how these protocols work at a highly technical level. But as you might expect, having all of this information at your
fingertips makes it easy to snoop through users’ data, which is one reason why hackers like it so much. Wireshark will help them uncover information about hosts that isn’t always visible with
other reconnaissance methods. Consider that ping sweeps, which are common and simple
ways to view other active network hosts on a LAN, are fundamentally flawed. A computer system may be configured to drop pings (ICMP packets) or to never respond to ICMP echo requests. This means that a ping sweep may not see all of the hosts and interfaces on a given sub net. However, these systems’ IP addresses and traffic will be visible if an attacker can capture them with Wireshark – especially if they can capture data from a single point of entry/exit over the LAN (like the LAN’s default gateway interface).

Wireshark’s Features

Wireshark is absolutely loaded with features, and there are so many of them that we couldn’t hope to list them all without writing a thick, comprehensive manual. However, at the very least, we can get a
high level understanding of its features as follow:

  • The ability to perform deep inspection on hundreds of network protocols
  •  A three pane packet browsing interfaces
  •  The ability to drill down through the different layers of a packet and display information from the header, various wrappers, and the payload
  •  Multi-platform support that includes Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD,OS X, among others (e.g. all the major operating system platforms)
  •  Network data that has been captured can be viewed in a convenient GUI or saved in databases that can be queried through the command line
  •  Extremely powerful, flexible, and robust filtering mechanisms that capture or display only select network protocol traffic
  • VoIP features that are able to analyze voice data that will reveal information such as the start time of a call, the stop time of a call, who initiated the call, various protocols information (H323, ISUP, UNISTIM, SIP, MGCP, etc.), the state of the call (call setup info, ringing, in call, canceled, completed, rejected, etc.), and IPaddresses
  • The ability to actually replay a captured VoIP call for select codecs
  • Coding that interfaces well with other file formats such as libpcap, tcpdump, Pcap NG, and many, many others
  • Capture and decompress gzip files on the fly
  •  Read live data from a smattering of types of physical interfaces including Ethernet, Wireless (802.11x), PPP, HDLC, ATM, USB, Bluetooth, Fram Relay, Token Ring, FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), and others – really just about anything you can imagine
  • Some special case decryption support for several popular protocols including WEP, WPA, WPA2, SSL/TLS, SNMPv3, ISAKMP, and Ipsec
  • The GUI includes a feature to set different types of traffic to different color schemes to more easily sift through and analyze data
  • All of the collected information can be exported to PostScript, CSV files, plain text, or XML
Remember that this certainly isn’t a comprehensive list of its features, but it should give you a good idea just how powerful this tool is and some of its major capabilities. Also understand that in order to use some of the more advanced features (like capturing a VoIP call and listening to the audio contents) is no easy task for a hacking novitiate.Though Wireshark allows you to see this data, you’ll also want to have an understanding of the various networking protocols and how they operate. There’s not really a shortcut or easy way around this, and it just takes some good ‘ol fashioned studying. That said, for some of the more simple tasks, all you need is a simple step by step guide (as we’ll provide you with shortly).

Methods of Capturing User Data

Before we begin our capture, you need to understand that each capture runs on a specified interface. For example, if you wanted to capture all of the traffic through your Ethernet connection, you would need to run a capture on that specific interface. Likewise,to capture wireless packets, you would need to run a capture on an appropriate wireless interface.At this point you might be wondering how attackers use Wireshark to initiate attacks and gather information. After all, what’s the point of running a capture on your system’s local Ethernet interface? In truth, it won’t see any data transmitted by other computers to remote systems such as a public web server. To see such data that is transmitted by other hosts or the target of an attack, the attacker would need to trick the remote system into sending their data to the attacker’s computer, and then forward that data to the intended

This technique is most commonly facilitated with a man-in-the-middle attack, whereby the hacker tricks a target system into thinking that their MAC address (a layer 2 address), is the default gateway’s address. This is called MAC spoofing, but there are other ways to accomplish the same thing. For example, if an attacker had access to a local subnet’s DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), they could employ some nasty tricks that leverage DNS.

You see, in a home environment, the default gateway – which is most typically a SOHO wireless router – supplies the DHCP parameters such as the IP addresses, subnet mask, and even the default DNS servers. An attacker could change the DNS parameter to a server that he/she controls. Then, the attacker has supreme control over where a users’ data goes on the Internet. For example, they could insert a bogus DNS record that causes to resolve to an IP address of a server or workstation that the attacker also controls.

Then, every time a user sends data to Google, it first travels through the attackers network interface – where they are running a packet capture. Now consider how much data an attacker could gather if they broke into an ISP’s network. ISPs serve hundreds of thousands – even millions – of users every day. An attacker that had illegal access to an interface on an ISP network could run a capture with criteria that tracks all data destined to a certain website, such as, in an attempt to harvest login credentials. Though Facebook uses HTTPS to encrypt data, realize that this is only an

Today we’re not going to run a capture that targets a remote system – doing so would be unethical, illegal, and frankly a little too difficult if you’ve never used Wireshark before. So, before we run our first captures, let’s start with the user interface

Understanding the Wireshark Interface

Wireshark for the first time, things can seem to be a little confusing. Before we dig into the the juicy details of how to run a packet capture, let’s first take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the interface. First off, note that I am referring to the latest version, which is Wireshark 2.0.3 (which was made available in 2016)After you have downloaded, installed, and launched the software, you will be presented with the main window. The main menu, which has sections including, file, edit, view, go,capture, analyze, and so forth is the best interface for newbies to use. We’ll just take a
moment to gain a high level understanding of this menu so you’ll know where all of the commands are stored in the interface.

  •  File: allows a user to open, save, print, export, and even merge capture files
  •  Edit: allows a user to set their global preferences, find specific packets, mark or reference packets based on timestamps, and make configurations
  •  View: allows a user to sift through data, indicate color preferences for different types of traffic, and show/collapse packet details through a tree structure
  • Capture: this feature is arguably the most important for novices, because it is here that all captures are started and stopped. In addition, users have the power to edit existing captures
  • Analyze: helps users sort data with display filters, enable/disable protocol dissection, and manipulate certain types of traffic such as TCP streams
  • Statistics: the statistics menu includes features that run statistical computations to generate information such as the total number of packets captured, protocol hierarchy data, and more
  • Telephony: though difficult to use for new users, the telephony menu includes options to help manipulate captured voice traffic
  •  Wireless: naturally, this menu contains tools to help users capture and manipulate 802.11 protocol information
You’ll also notice that there are a myriad of buttons underneath this menu. For now, just be aware that this menu is the best place to start. In my opinion, the most important menu items that new users should be focused on are file, edit, view, and capture – because this will allow a novice to run their first capture, edit some of its settings, save the capture, and view its contents.

Running Your First Capture

Today we’re going to keep things simple. We’re just going to run some simple captures on your own local network that you own and control. For the purposes of this demonstration, you will need the following:

  1. A computer with an Ethernet connection
  2.  A computer in which you have downloaded and installed the GUI version of Wireshark
  3.  Network connectivity (e.g. an IP address, default gateway, Internet connection, etc.)
After you have launched Wireshark, you should notice that there is a list of interfaces under the Capture column. Alternatively, you can use the Capture button in the menu as we discussed previously. Let’s assume that you just clicked on the interfaces name in the Capture column. Doing so would immediately start to record and capture all of the data leaving and entering your Ethernet interface. Even if you don’t have a web browser running, you’ll notice that the screen become
populated with a myriad of information and different colored rows and columns. The data you are seeing is network protocol data, and it’s likely that you never knew all of this was going on in the background. Also note that your computer will continue to monitor and record all of the data flowing through your interface until you stop the capture.

Stopping Your First Capture

You won’t want to let your capture run indefinitely, and by now you likely have more protocol data than you know what to do with. To start analyzing and sifting through the data you have collected, you’ll need to shut down your capture. Look for the fourth button from the left, located just below the View menu, and you’ll see an icon with a white ‘X’ surrounded by a red circle. Alternatively, you can shut down your capture from the Capture menu. Take a few moments to look through the data you’ve collected. If you want, you can begin a new capture and then browse to a website so you can view the details of the HTTP request between your computer and a webserver. Also, you’ll likely see some
familiar protocols like DNS, ARP, and DHCP among others.

Advanced Capture Options

Next, we’re going to take a brief look at how you can fine-tune the parameters of your capture to weed out types of data that you don’t necessarily want to analyze. All you need to do is browse through the Capture menu and then select Options. Then, a dialog box will open that allows you to change various details. Clicking on the Capture Filter option will allow you to only capture certain types of traffic, such as TCP traffic, UDP traffic, or traffic streams that operate on a specific port. For example, to capture only DNS traffic, you would want to filter by port 53. Then, simply rerun the capture again.

Wireshark, Certifications, and Practical Applications

Wireshark is an undoubtedly useful tool with as many uses as you can imagine. And one of it’s uses is helping you pass various certification exams, such as the CEH, Network+, CCNA, and Security+ exams. In fact, Wireshark (and packet sniffers/protocol analyzers in general) are part of many security exams content and questions. For instance, if you hope to pass the Security+ exam, you’re going to need to know what a protocl analyzer is and how it works. And as they say, experience is the best teacher. I would highly recommend downloading a free version of Wireshark and playing around
with it to get an idea of what information it can capture from a networking interface.

But Wireshark isn’t the only method of capturing packets. As a penetration tester, you’re going to need to know how to use several different types of packet capture tools. For example, Cisco ASA’s have a command line utility that allows you to capture traffic on any of the ASA’s networking interfaces. I can’t tell you how many times I ran a packet capture on an ASA to verifiy that certain traffic was or wasn’t passing through the firewall as a means to test and verify the firewall rules were configured appropriately. In addition, Wireshark and other packet capture tools can help you troubleshoot different types of network protocols. As an example, note that I’ve spent time in the past using Wireshark to check a network interface to validate VPN tunnel negotiation and to check
various handshaking processes.

These skills and knowledge are invaluable to a penetration tester, and Wireshark can help you understand how various protocols work on a highly detailed and technical level. If you’re studying for the CCNA exam, being able to actually see protocol packets, such as ARP requests, will help you understand how protocols and computer systems ‘talk’ to each other. Being able to see these processes is critical to your success, because otherwise it all seems like theoretical knowledge that just happens ‘invisibly’ in the background. Furthermore, note that if you get hired for any kind of I.T. security role and you show up on day one without knowing what Wireshark is, you’re likely going to become the victim of a lot of jokes. Your coworkers will laugh you out of the office, and you’ll look
extremely inexperienced. The bottom line is that Wireshark (and similar tools) are used on an extremely frequent basis in the security realm, so you’d better know what your doing before you get hired. I’d highly recommend using Wireshark to pick apart different types of traffic before sitting your exams, too.

Final Thoughts

Wireshark is an incredibly powerful tool used to capture and analyze just about every type of protocol traffic you can think of. It can even be used to verify if your encryption technologies are actually doing their job, or if a configuration error is sending data in plain text. The bottom line is that knowing how to use Wireshark is a critical skill crucial to your success in any security discipline as well as for standard network engineering. Last but not least, it’s a lot of fun to use. You wouldn’t believe all the data that gets passed around between computers in the background, and Wireshark will help lift the veil so you can watch traffic move across an interface in real time.

List Of Android device That Would be Receiving The Android 8.0 Upgrade

Android 8.0 named Oreo was recently launched and Android phone users are excited and eager to lay their hands on the latest OS. I know you have questions regarding if your device is fit for the latest OS update but don't worry i have that all covered.

 In this post i have compiled a list of smartphones that will be getting the update to Android Oreo Operating System. Kindly note that some smartphone manufacturers made information available regarding the Android 8.0 OS while other manufacturers didn't

 Below is the official list of Android devices that would be receiving the Android 8.0 upgrade as confirmed by manufacturers, other devices would be added to the list soon.

Acer iconia Talk S
Acer liquid Z6 Plus
Acer Liquid Z6
Acer Liquid X2
Acer Liquid Zest
Acer Liquid Zest Plus


Google Pixel (Available to download)
Google Pixel XL (Available to download)
Google Pixel 2
Google Pixel C (Available to download)
Google Nexus Player (Available to download)

Samsung Galaxy S8(G950F, G950W)
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Upcoming)
Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus(G955,G955FD)
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge(G935F, G935FD, G935W8)
Samsung Galaxy S7(G930FD, G930F, G930, G930W8)
Samsung Galaxy A3( 2017)(A320F)
Samsung Galaxy A5( 2017)(A520F)
Samsung Galaxy A7 ( 2017)(A720F, A720DS)
Samsung Galaxy A8 ( 2017)(A810F, A810DS)
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
Samsung Galaxy J7v
Samsung Galaxy J7 Max (2017)
Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro(2017)
Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime(G610F, G610DS, G610M/DS)
Samsung Galaxy A9 (2016)(SM-A9100)
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)(A710F, A710DS)
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016)(A510F, A510F)
Samsung Galaxy A8 (2016)(A810F, A810DS)
Samsung Galaxy Note FE

LG G6( H870, H870DS, US987, All carrier models supported as well)
LG G5( H850, H858, US996, H860N, All carrier models supported as well)
LG V30 (Upcoming)
LG V20(H990DS, H990N, US996, All carrier models supported as well)
LG V10(H960, H960A, H960AR)
LG Nexus 5X (Available to download)
LG X Venture
LG Pad IV 8.0

Motorola Moto G5 Plus( XT1684, XT1685, XT1687)
Motorola Moto G5( All Models)
Motorola Moto G4 Plus( All models)
Motorola Moto G4( All models)
Motorola Moto Z( XT1635-03)
Motorola Moto Z2 Play
Motorola Moto Z Play
Motorola Moto Z Style
Motorola Moto Z Force

Nokia 3
Nokia 5
Nokia 6
Nokia 8


OnePlus 5
OnePlus 3T
OnePlus 3

Huawei P10( VTR-L09, VTRL29, VTR-AL00, VTR-TL00)
Huawei P10 lite (Lx1, Lx2, Lx3)
Huawei Honor 9(AL00, AL10, TL10)
Huawei P8 Lite 2017 (Huawei P9 Lite (2017), Huawei Honor 8 Lite, Huawei Nova Lite, Huawei GR3
Huawei Y7 Prime (Controversial)
Huawei Nova 2(PIC-AL00)
Huawei Nova 2 Plus(BAC-AL00)
Huawei Honor 8 Pro
Huawei P10 Plus
Huawei Mate 9 Porsche Design
Huawei Mate 9
Huawei Mate 9 Pro
Huawei Nexus 6P (Available to download)

Asus ZenFone 4 (ZE554KL)
Asus ZenFone Pro (ZS551KL)
Asus ZenFone 4 Max (ZC520KL)
Asus ZenFone 4 Max Pro (ZC554KL)
Asus ZenFone 4 Selfie (ZD553KL)
Asus ZenFone 4 Selfie Pro (ZD552KL)
Asus Zenpad Z8s (ZT582KL)
Asus Zenfone Go(ZB552KL)
Asus Zenfone Live(ZB501KL)
Asus Zenfone 3s MaxAsus Zenfone AR
Asus Zenfone 3 Zoom
Asus Zenfone 3 Max
Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe 5.5
Asus Zenfone 3 Laser
Asus Zenfone 3
Asus Zenfone 3 Ultra
Asus ZenPad Z8s
Asus ZenPad 3s 8.0
Asus ZenPad 3s 10
Asus ZenPad Z10

Lenovo Zuk Edge
Lenovo P2 (Controversial)
Lenovo K6 (Controversial)
Lenovo K6 Note
Lenovo K6 Power
Lenovo Zuk Z2 (Controversial)
Lenovo Zuk Z2 Plus (Controversial)
Lenovo Zuk Z2 Pro
Lenovo A6600 Plus (Controversial)

OPPO F3 Plus
OPPO R11 PlusOPPO Find 9

Sony Xperia XZ Premium( G8141, G8142)
Sony Xperia L1(G3311, G3312, G3313)(Controversial)
Sony Xperia XZS(G8231, G8232)
Sony Xperia XA1(G3121, G3123, G3125
Sony Xperia XZ( F8331, F8332)
Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra( G3221, G3212, G3223, G3226)
Sony Xperia XA Ultra(Controversial)
Sony Xperia XA(Controversial)
Sony Xperia XA Ultra
Sony Xperia XA
Sony Xperia X Performance
Sony Xperia Z5 Premium(Controversial)
Sony Xperia Z5(Controversial)
Sony X

peria X( F5121, F5122)
Sony Xperia X Compact
Sony Xperia E5(Controversial)

HTC U Ultra
HTC U Play
HTC Desire 10 Pro
HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle
HTC 10 Evo
HTC 10

Xiaomi Mi 6
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (Upcoming)
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 (Upcoming)
Xiaomi Mi 5s
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Xiaomi Mi Max
Xiaomi Mi Max 2
Xiaomi Mi 5s Plus
Xiaomi Mi Note 2
Xiaomi Mi Mix
Xiaomi Mi 5X
Xiaomi Redmi 5A

VIVO X9 Plus

Yu Yunique 2
Yu Yurek Black
Yu Yunicorn
Yu Yureka SYu Yureka Note

ZTE Axon 7
ZTE Axon 7 Mini
ZTE Blade V8
ZTE Blade V7
ZTE Axon Pro
ZTE Axon 7s
ZTE Nubia Z17
ZTE Axon Elite
ZTE Axon Mini

Thanks for visiting....more update coming your way.. 
